In pursuit of trinkets at Squirrels Vintage Shop in Brockenhurst

If you’re one trio short of the perfectly mis-matched assembly of vintage crockery then Squirrels is your place. It’s a surprising little gem that you could easily miss as you drive along the Lyndhurst Road through Brockenhurst.
Don’t get me wrong, I love nothing more than to go in pursuit of trinkets but this place makes the experience all the more pleasurable. Free from dust and must. No scouring corners piled high with dilapidated old junk. Less is definitely more at Squirrels, and the price tags are certainly in keeping with the pared down approach.
Gorgeous collections of teacups and cake stands sit atop distressed dressers, accompanied by vases of flowers, lampstands, vintage jewellery and old baskets. All of the pieces are collected and put together lovingly and thoughtfully allowing you to get squirreled away envisioning the most supreme afternoon tea party.
Image courtesy of SewPixie on Flickr